chesapeake bay photography


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Ideal fishing spot where the creek on the left
comes out to the Chesapeake Bay on the right.

(More information on ideal fishing locations are coming
soon on Ransome Chesapeake Retreat)


Another duck decoy washed up.


Beachcombing after the storm.


We used to have a mile of beaches, but storms took it away,
but we now have a new beach forming here.
One side is the bay and the other side
is a small creek going out into the bay.


Beachcombing produced 4 duck decoys after a storm...



This is the Buoy Bush. Tradition has it that if you find a buoy while beachcombing and place it on the bush, you will find good luck and visit Ransome Chesapeake retreat again sometime in the near future.



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   For reservations or further information, please contact Marie & Percy:
           856-981-6612  (Marie's cell)            215-350-1165  (Percy's cell)
           609-975-8127  (Work)            609-257-3719  (Work Fax)